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Welcome to the GentleBirth blog. I’m looking forward to journeying with you towards your positive birth.

I hope you’ll visit often!

Tracy Donegan

Your Positive Birth Midwife

TUMS May Reduce the Risk of an Unplanned Cesarean

TUMS May Reduce the Risk of an Unplanned Cesarean

New Labor Hack Alert!

While most expectant moms are hoping for an uneventful labor, sometimes, the unexpected happens, and a potential cesarean is being discussed due to a ‘slow’ or stalled labor. (A labor that is slow but progressing is still considered normal). But what if I told you there's a new contender to assist in the labor room – TUMS!

The TUMS Twist

Enter calcium carbonate TUMS, the rockstar of antacids. These chalky lifesavers are known for reducing heartburn and indigestion so how do they impact labor?

Calcium is a muscle MVP – it's like the coach of the uterus. Some studies have suggested that calcium supplementation might ramp up uterine surges helping labor progress more smoothly. This hack isn’t new - savvy nurses and midwives have been using this low-risk treatment with women having prolonged labor in the US. If mom is on IV Pitocin staff can give mom a ‘pit break’ and pass out the TUMS. Pitocin overload can oversaturate and sensitize the uterine muscle cells so they won’t contract as well (it’s also a contributor to PPHs).

The Science

One of the proposed mechanisms of action for calcium carbonate's potential benefit in labor is its ability to affect uterine contractions. Adequate uterine surges are essential for the progression of labor and the eventual birth of your baby. Calcium plays a role in muscle contractions, and some studies have suggested that calcium supplementation in labor may improve uterine muscle tone and enhance contractions. By supporting more effective contractions, calcium carbonate/TUMS may help moms achieve more productive labor patterns, decreasing the likelihood of interventions such as cesarean.

Don’t forget your TUMS and gum (for pain reduction) as part of your labor toolkit!

There have been no trials so far on the use of TUMS to optimize labor progress but it’s known as a safe option to take during pregnancy and is given to women in labor for heartburn.



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