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Welcome to the GentleBirth blog. I’m looking forward to journeying with you towards your positive birth.

I hope you’ll visit often!

Tracy Donegan

Your Positive Birth Midwife

Beautiful Twin Hypnobirthing Experience

Beautiful Twin Hypnobirthing Experience

Kate shares her experience using the GentleBirth App as she prepared for the birth of her twin boys and some background information about her experiences in US maternity services as a first time mom.

A little background information

The twin pregnancy world can be a scary place. I was reminded multiple times daily by medical personnel, family and strangers of how much could go wrong and that "twins usually come about a month early". My boys came at 39 weeks 2 days. There is pressure to induce early and most are scheduled for a C section at 37 or 38 weeks "in the unlikely event that you make it that far."

I saw a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor/high risk OB for backup, mainly to establish rapport in case circumstances warranted hospital transport. I was informed that due to hospital policy I would not be able to labor in the water and that most of my birth plan preferences were unreasonable to expect with multiples.

I was told that I wouldn’t be allowed to go past 38 weeks (as if the hospital has any authority in such matters!) I was encouraged to familiarize myself with NICU procedures and policies because I'd "probably be spending a lot of time there."

Every visit included pressure to agree to have an epidural placed because of the likelihood of twin B turning breech mid labor resulting in a c section. And then further pressure to go ahead and schedule the c section for both babies so I wouldn't have to experience both types of delivery. Both of my babies were head down and all tests and screening they requested showed perfect results and progress for my own health and the babies' (thanks to nutritional and lifestyle support and coaching from my midwife and other holistic birth workers.)

Most of these stressful visits did include a slightly higher heart rate and blood pressure than what was recorded at home or by my midwife and I would have to use a meditation or breathing technique on the way and in the waiting room (for myself and my husband to keep us calm). Online twin pregnancy support groups are full of anxious, scared women quick to run to L&D or the ER because of all of the negative things they hear.

I felt that the first step into the hospital sends you down a cascading funnel of interventions ending in unplanned procedures and outcomes. With all of the fear and misinformation it's understandable but sad what most new twin minds allow themselves to be talked into.

Mindset really is everything and staying positive and optimistic goes a long way. I'm so glad I chose to take the convincing into my own hands and use the Gentlebirth app to keep my limbic system in good order throughout the pregnancy and during delivery. I'm excited to take the principles of hypnobirthing and the power of affirmations, meditations, mindfulness, positive visualizations, breathing techniques etc. into the rest of my life. Also have been loving the breastfeeding and Fourth Trimester journey in the app!

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The Arrival of My Twin Boys

My turn came on Valentine's Day this past Sunday. Achieved the natural homebirth of my dreams and birthed my twin boys in a pool in front of the fireplace. The GentleBirth app was absolutely invaluable and got me through the "hard parts" which turned out to not be so bad! I was afraid to push when it was time because I thought there was no way I was there yet; it hadn't gotten difficult yet. The midwives had been there for a little over an hour. (I "labored" on my own for 12 hours before letting them know and didn't ask them to come until much later the next afternoon because I assumed I was only 2 or 3 cm dilated at the most.

Mostly I drifted off to sleepy meditations and repeated some last minute affirmations.


After Baby A was out and skin to skin with my husband while we waited for Baby B I asked him to move the speaker away from baby so the app wasn't too loud and one of the midwives said "I have a feeling he's been listening to this for a long time and it's having the same effect on you both." So true.

My body knew what to do and my babies knew what to do. Both boys were in the perfect position and everything went so perfectly, just as I had visualized.

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Neither of my babies cried after I pulled them out of the water and up to my chest (as far as the cord would allow), just looked around and up at me completely at peace. I was calm, confident and in control. Everyone was so impressed that it seemed so effortless for me as a first time mother, and it was! It was an amazing, enjoyable experience. Thank you Tracy Donegan from the bottom of my heart for guiding me through the biggest change of my life.


I have always been terrified of the thought of becoming a mother and everything that comes with it- losing my individuality, my autonomy, ruining my body, etc. I was convinced I would die in the hospital during delivery if I ever got pregnant and even split up with my husband, the love of my life, years ago for a trial separation because all he's ever wanted was to be a father and I feared it more than anything in the world. My mindset changed so radically. After struggling with body image my whole life, I coveted every pound I gained and am not even bothered by the stretch marks. I have been so shocked by my lack of negative thoughts throughout the whole pregnancy (and so have those who know me well). When I first downloaded the app I listened to the Fear Release track frequently and can honestly say I never felt afraid in the weeks and days leading up to or during delivery. Recovery has been a breeze because there wasn't any trauma and I am absolutely full of gratitude, love and feelings of joy.

All is well.

(Both boys were over 6lbs).

The GentleBirth App has a specific journey for parents pregnant with twins to support you on your journey to a positive birth.


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